Amy Pope Fitzgerald

Amy Fitzgerald is a mother of three, wife, blogger, sponsored athlete, and an accomplished long distance runner who is passionate about giving back to the community. She has advocated for Brain Injury legislation on Capitol Hill for the Brain Injury Association of America, provided grief therapy to families of trauma patients at Inova Fairfax Hospital, and has organized the most successful March of Dimes March for Babies walk for the Fairfax, VA, family teams fundraiser. Amy is currently a Brand Partner for Nerium International. She volunteers her time on the children’s Elementary School PTA, serves on the Board for the non-profit organization, Let’s Give Back, while also running and raising money for the National Capital Lyme Disease Association. In her spare time, she dabbles in acting and has appeared on the Sprout Network on The Chica Show with her youngest daughter, the Running Episode of HBO’s VEEP and the Million Seconds Quiz Show with Ryan Seacrest. Amy has her Master’s degree in Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University and her undergraduate degree in Psychology/Creative Writing from VA Tech. 

Amy has always had a passion for writing and is currently writing a novel about her running adventures, including her most significant running accomplishment, finishing her first 100 mile race, Umstead 100, in March 2015, while battling chronic Lyme disease. Her children, 12 year old boy/girl twins and her 9 year old daughter, were the original inspiration for creating her blog, Twingles Mom. However, writing about her twenty year journey with chronic Lyme disease, has made her a well known advocate, educator and fundraiser in the Lyme disease community. Amy’s story about her battle with chronic Lyme disease and how she went from waking up one day not being able to move her legs, to running her first ultra race, JFK 50 miler 2012, was featured in The Platform Magazine, February 2014. Amy was also recently interviewed and featured on Pace Per Mile, August 2014 and Diz Runs With, podcast #98, April 2015. She is passionate about educating the community about Lyme disease and raising money to help find a cure for this debilitating disease.

Amy is currently studying for her personal training certificate from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She teaches free boot camp classes to her neighbors and friends and enjoys sharing her enthusiasm for fitness. Amy’s future goal is to create her own business that combines her counseling skills and her knowledge of fitness to help people living with chronic illness discover a life of wellness.