Amy Bowling was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. In 2005, her husband’s work brought her to Culpeper County, Virginia, which has truly become her home in so many wonderful ways.

During her 10-year struggle with infertility, she worked in a variety of fields that gifted her with profound experiences in the complete spectrum of life from birth to death, as well as in the professional fields of business marketing and design, non-profit management and community outreach, including many years working for Culpeper Hospital and Powell Wellness Center, in a variety of roles and departments. Only looking back now, can she clearly see how each one of her positions was divinely inspired to prepare her for the path her own life would unexpectedly follow. 

After being told she and her husband would be unable to conceive on their own, they underwent a series of fertility treatments and conceived their first baby only to suffer her heartbreaking loss in Amy’s 16th week of pregnancy on October 15, 2010. Amy was certain her story was over, that the light of hope had left her forever, until a dear friend’s words brought her back to life again.

After choosing to fully embrace her path of infertility and loss very openly and honestly, friends and “friends of friends” began reaching out to her for comfort, guidance and hope during their own times of infertility and perinatal loss and that of their friends, family members and co-workers. Amy’s passion quickly became finding a way to help EVERY woman walking these paths find hope, comfort and fulfillment in their own lives; to ensure that no woman would ever feel alone. And just like that, the seed for her future non-profit organization was planted.

On October 15th of this year, Amy officially launched “The Fertile Soil Foundation,” dedicated to providing help, hope and healing for hearts broken by infertility or perinatal loss.  

In addition to her foundation efforts, Amy opened “Sincerely Yours & Mine, LLC,” a creative consulting company, with her close friend and business partner, Lauren Clark, in March of this year, concentrating their efforts on the release of their uniquely inspired notecard line, “Out of the Box.”  

Always thinking, planning and dreaming, Amy has found a way to integrate her love for all things creative with her passion for women struggling with infertility and loss into her life’s work. Her personal passion, mission and purpose in this life is to lead sorrowful hearts out of the darkness back to the light of hope again so that everyone may choose to live a fertile, full and wonderful life regardless of the paths we are each on. Her goal is to comfort your heart, inspire you to embrace your life and remind you that every day you get to write a brand-new story, so choose to make it a great one.